Coming Clean
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:33 a.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Song Author
Billie Joe
File Size
34 KB
Sev-en-teen and strung out on con- fu- sion
Trapped in-side a roll of dis-il- lu- sion
I found out what it takes to be a man
Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand
Se-crets col-lec-ting dust but nev-er for- get
Ske-le-tons come to life in my clo- set
I found out what it takes to be a man
Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand
What's hap-pen- ing to me
Sev-en-teen and com-ing clean for the first time
I fin-ally fig-ured out my- self for the first time
I found out what it takes to be a man
Now Mom and Dad will nev-er un-der-stand
What's hap-pen- ing to me